Thursday, April 30, 2009

new ECHO results

The babies both had repeat Echocardiograms done yesterday to check the size of their PDA's (patent ductus arteriosis - they both have heart murmurs). Mary Louise's is smaller than the last time and the doctors have decided to see if it will close on it's own rather than medicating her or considering surgery. I'm told that although it is closing that it could reverse and open again so I'm left once again hoping for the best.

David's is also smaller! A huge deal considering it was ranked as severe during the last echo and now is classified as small to moderate. He will need to be weaned of his blood pressure medications prior to receiving the meds to fix his heart however which is where his pulmonary hypertension comes into play. It is getting better and they started to wean 2 of his medications last night. The third will be weaned once the others are discontinued.

These are huge steps for both babies and we're so pleased that David seems to be improving a tiny bit at a time. There is a possibility that he may need surgery but for now, he is doing well. We noticed last night that he is trying to open his eyes as well - so sweet to watch him seem to concentrate and wrinkle his little forehead with the effort.

Time for the morning visit.


  1. Awe, David want's to see his mamma and daddy!
    yay for smaller PDAs! that is great! I hope David keeps beating the odds and closes his even further on his own! He's doing great, especially for a little white boy ;) usually they're not so tough! You're going to have your hands full when he gets bigger!
    Great update!

  2. Exciting little blessings day by day. xxxooo

  3. Oh, that is so awesome! I want to see those little angels so very bad. I hope that they continue down this path of improvement. Go Mary Louise and David! Thank you God!

  4. Awesome news!!! keep the positive attitude! I know some days it seems hard to do when you have so much to be faced with, but truly they are hitting those milestones!
    All of the prayers are being answered! And those prayers will not stop until they are fully in your arms and in their home! :)
    Love you guys!!!
