Sunday, June 7, 2009


To the many family members and friends who read this grandmother (Auntie Mary to some, mom's mom, Ms. Mary to others or just Mommom to me)fell while getting out of bed this morning. Mom called an ambulance to bring her to the hospital. She has a pelvic hairline fracture. She was discharged home this afternoon with pain medication and is resting comfortably there. (There is not much to be done for a fractured pelvis - pain management is the main issue. It will just take alot of time to heal).

To those that don't know her...
My grandmother moved in with my parents when I was 2. She has played many many roles throughout my life - my (other) parent, babysitter, driver, tutor, spiritual adviser, competitor (she never let us win when we played games!), teacher and of course best friend. After being diagnosed quite a few years back with Alzheimer's disease, she became my most beloved patient - and I've learned more than she could ever know from helping my mother to care for her. She is without question one of the most beautiful and absolutely amazing people I know.

I thought this might be the easiest and fastest way to inform our family and friends. Please send happy, healing thoughts her way.

Sincerest thanks,


  1. We will be praying for your Mommom as well as your beautiful babies.

    Mommom is what we called my mom's mother (who Charlotte is named after). It is a wonderful grandmother name!

  2. Thanks for letting us know, I made sure that my Mum read the blog and can let the English relatives know!
    We are always thinking of you guys too.


  3. I'm so sorry to hear that Ms. Mary is hurt. Hopefully she'll mend well and soon. Glad to hear your little ones are making so much progress! Keep up the good work, all of you!

  4. Oh no!! I am so sorry to hear about Ms. Mary. She is in our prayers for a speedy recovery!

  5. Oh gracious, never a dull moment! I will pray hard for Mommom and wish a speedy recovery. :)
