Friday, January 6, 2012

The terribly good and terribly...terrible.

Much has happened since my last post. I feel as if I could have written something every 5 minutes and would have had to edit the statement immediately after posting. So, here's a run down (in no particular order really though I'll try to focus on the really really great - or not so bad first off):

1. Brent got to feel our little one kick for the first time on Monday the 2nd of January!! He never felt Mary Louise, David or Kuylen kick so it was really a special moment for us. Since then, I'm pretty sure little Suga hasn't stopped moving (and I love love love my little nudgy reminders of *his or her presence)! (so much for our relaxed little one the second (or fourth) go round right??)

2. Brent and I celebrated 8 years of marriage on the third. Uncle Collin and his girlfriend Lhee have been visiting this week so we were able to manage a really wonderful meal together and a little time away after Mary Louise and David's bed time. Bonus - Mary Louise and David LOVE Lhee - and she seemed to have a good time playing with them and welcomed them as a distraction to her studying (she is also in medical school  a semester behind Collin).

3. I had an absolutely wonderful, stunning, and totally uneventful perinatology visit yesterday. Cervix: fine - "very long, very closed". Baby vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys, bladder, umbilical line) - all forming "normally" all parts noted and accounted for. My b/p was 90/60 believe it or not. AND I didn't gain a pound in the past 3 weeks - BUT our wee love sure did! 1 pound 1 ounce - 53rd percentile for weight. The amniotic fluid looked great and the baby was right on target for growth in general. Quote of the day, "judging by your exam today, it would be highly unlikely that you would deliver anytime soon - as in over the next few weeks or month," love, your friendly neighborhood peri.

Let the flip side begin:
1. On January 4th, Brent received news that his grandfather (Granddaddy)  - Mere's father - had passed away the night before. Though he was ill for some time with Alzheimer's disease, this news is (obviously) never easy...but Brent seems to be quietly coping and clinging to precious memories. Sweet gentle strength.

2. David started with a runny nose yesterday - very runny - like wipe every 2 minutes runny. He seems a bit better today - but I am keeping an eye on him.

3. Mary Louise woke during the night coughing with the same (or similar) profuse runny nose. She looked quite puny today - but hasn't spiked a temp or continued coughing during the day. I am begging for her to improve by tomorrow. Begging. Begging. Begging. We really haven't gone anywhere for goodness sake.

4. My dear sweet Papa (my dad's father) succumbed to pneumonia this afternoon. He was admitted to the hospital over New Year's weekend, quickly worsened and just couldn't recover.

My heart hurts.


1 comment:

  1. I am so very, very sorry to hear your sad news. Love you, sweet friend.
