Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bath time and E time

Brent and I used to take our evenings and chat or watch a movie...that was before Everett. When the "big kids" go to bed, we relax a bit and enjoy a our little E man. It's really a sweet time - quiet, undivided attention for the bambino who just eats it up!


Thankfully, Everett has turned things around where night time fussing is concerned - he and Brent have been able to have a number of good bonding moments in the past day or 2:

(I just love his tuft of hair in this one):

Love this kid:

Squishy face:

Proud Papa:

It was STILL raining this morning but with tensions growing, I watched for a little break. Mid morning, it finally came and Mary Louise and David were more than ready to slap on their rain boots for a good quick stomp. They lasted quite a while - their clothing did not and was stripped off in the first 5 minutes. ha. They let me know when they were ready to come in and we set up a nice warm bubble bath and played for the rest of Everett's nap time.

"I'll wash your back and you wash mine!"

"Bubbles up my nose!"

Going for a little swim:

We washed away the grumpies and have had a pretty good day! (and I'm obviously a little over the moon about this new camera)


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