Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Mary Louise is not only doing well with breathing on her own, but is also maintaining her oxygen saturation at or below the level she was on during mechanical ventilation! (she needs the same or less oxygen when breathing on her own) The doctor called today to give me an update. He laughs about his "updates" and says he doesn't know why he calls really because he knows I've already talked to everyone there and gotten the information on my own. But he calls anyhow - because that's what good doctors do! He actually said that Mary Louise was (and I quote) "AWESOME" and he has been quite surprised with her breathing so successfully. He didn't even remind me that this may not last - just let me enjoy the moment! She lost a little bit of weight today but was started on a diuretic yesterday so that may have something to do with it. They will give her a couple of days to see if her weight might level out and increase again. She is doing really well with her feedings and fortifier overall though. The doctor even mentioned pulling all IV access if she remains stable for another few days! This would make her a "grower and feeder"!! (the much coveted title meaning she is only there to gain weight by eating so she can eventually maintain her own body temperature) We are so proud of our little girl and all of her efforts!

David is also doing really well. He is up to 5mls on his feedings and tolerating them with minimal residuals. His oxygen and vent rates are low (well the oxygen goes up and down a bit depending on his position) and they went down on his pressure twice today. His nitric oxide is down to 1 and if he continues to tolerate the weaning, will be discontinued by tomorrow. (phew! one more giant machine down!) The nurses are working on weaning his dopamine and hydrocortisone as well although (again) he tends to react rather strongly to changes so they are really taking things very slowly as far as the weaning goes. His urine output has picked up - but they started him on diuretics - so really there's a reason it has increased. He had a little poop today as well and seems to be getting to the end of his meconium. (we celebrate all dirty diapers in this family!) We are so excited about all of his progress.

David will have one more tiny hurdle after all is said and done though....we found out today that he has an inguinal hernia. It is ok so far - the nurses check it with every diaper change - this is another very common issue with the micro-preemies apparently. Anyhow, it won't be fixed until a few more months down the road - and wouldn't prevent or delay his discharge but will need monitoring and eventually surgical repair. It is considered a very minor surgery but I would absolutely be lying if I said that we weren't very worried.

Having said that, we are so enjoying this progressive moment - and are again so thankful for all of the continued support.

The nurses put March of Dimes toys on the babies' beds today - such a sweet gesture. They have really been wonderful to our family - especially so to our babies.


  1. Oh another day of celebration! So glad to hear things are still going very well. We will pray that it continues.

  2. Yay LeBlanc Family!!! Moss employees are SOOO happy for you! Keep up the great progress, Mary Louise and David - such strong babies, you are!


  3. This sounds fantastic!! Go Mary Louise and David!!!

  4. How fantastically wonderful!! What huge blessings!
    So excited, with prayers and love always.
