Monday, August 13, 2012

Hunter Davis

One of Uncle Sean's dearest childhood friends had a horrible sky diving accident this week. He is in critical condition. The complete story is chronicled here:

Hunter's family is honestly one of the most solid, caring, giving, intelligent...and on and on...families I've ever encountered. The way they dance through life's just a privilege to be even a small part of their lives. 

Prayers are of course welcome and I have inquired about blood donations. Please stay tuned for more information and keep this precious family in your thoughts as they guide one another (and especially Hunter) through this healing process. 

If anyone can recover completely from such an ordeal, this young man can...and I have no doubt at. all. that he will not ***just recover, but laugh in the face of any "you really shouldn't-s" and "you might not be able to's" the doctors throw at him. 

Thinking of you Hunter, Mrs. Dana, Mr. Bob and Robin. Peace, and healing with minimal setbacks to you all. Much love.



  1. Heather, keeping your brother, his friend, their family and all of you in my thoughts! And going home to hug my kids extra hard tonight...if any good can come out of a tragic situation it's that we love our kids that much harder, read extra stories, give extra kisses and never forget how quickly it can be taken.

    1. Heather,

      I am only just now reading this as I'm only now finding time to take a little "me" time. I follow a few blogs closely, and yours has always been one that I look forward to. It's folks like you, and your entire family, that are an inspiration to my whole family during this difficult time. Thank you, Heather, for everything!

