Since David was just a wee babe of about 14 ounces (ha.), I've said that he has uncanny comedic timing. In light of recent (blog) postings, I thought it appropriate to mention some of his latest hard-e-har moments...
While the speech therapist was asking me about David's eating habits, the topic of "non-food" items came up...
Speech therapist: Does David eat non-food items regularly?
Me: "No." (thinking: you know, we really have been lucky - these babies have done every extreme stereotypical toddler and baby "no-no" I can think of but have NEVER EVER been very bad about mouthing or eating anything inappropriate.
ST: (with a serious face) "So David doesn't mouth things that aren't considered edible and you don't find him chewing on odd things at times?"
(coughing behind me)
Me: "No, both he and Mary Louise are very good about not putting things in their mouths..." (I began to stammer, thinking they were trying to get at something...)
Me: "I mean, they go through phases, but nothing I'd be...DAVID!"
I looked up to see that David (standing behind me) had shoved an entire Kleenex in his mouth. The whole shabang. He was choking. I yanked it out and tried to shrug it off...well I thought it was a little funny - he couldn't have timed it any better!
ST: "Does this happen often?"
Me: "No."
ST and Intake Coordinator: (audible scribbling on paper)
Me: (sigh)
This morning my little guy was playing with one of his favorite toys. He LOVES anything with buttons that make noise. I call them cause and effect toys - he presses, the toy responds, he presses again and so on. Mary Louise walked up to him and tried (in vain) to take the toy. David protested (every once in awhile he just has enough). They fussed for a bit. I looked beyond my pump, asked them to quit and said they should give each other "lovies" (hugs). Their responses?
ML: "No! No! No!" (shaking her head - she has recently picked up on the word "no" much to my chagrin)
D: (puts his fingers in his ears, shakes his head in a "no" fashion, grins, slaps Mary Louise in the face, giggles, puts himself in "time out" and proceeds to laugh quietly as he still has and is looking down at the dang toy they fussed over).
That, my friends, is quintessential David.
The day went really well today. I feel like a weight was lifted after blogging - and was really surprised by the support, positive insight and personal experience stories I've received by phone, email, and Facebook. I am so so thankful for such an out pouring of honesty and advice.
Mary Louise and David really got along well for the rest of the day! I ran/walked 3.6 miles, then did a 10 mile bike ride to really clear my head. The weather was gorgeous and the babies were so happy just to be out in the sun for a bit. It truly did us all good.
We've rescheduled Mary Louise and David's orthopedist appointment for a couple of weeks from now. New Orleans is having a major brush fire and has put out a health advisory warning anyone with lung issues, asthma, allergies, etc. to stay out of the city as there are harmful particles in the air that can irritate airways. Things should settle with some rain - but we'd rather be safe than sorry in this house!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
"Severely delayed" and "At Risk"
David and Mary Louise were evaluated by a speech therapist on Friday for their slow progress in expressive speech. Though David was my main concern, I had Mary Louise assessed as well since they (the therapists) would be here anyhow. She still doesn't qualify for services - not delayed "enough". I am keeping a close watch on her progress and if it slows, I'll get her into private therapy. Currently, however, she is doing very well in my opinion and literally says new things each day - my favorite of the week? "Buv-ooo" She said (her version of), "I love you" as Brent was taking her to bed last night. David actually said it exactly the same too!! It really was a good night...
David was evaluated for 2 hours. He played well after warming up to the therapist and I'll start by saying that above all, I do feel the results of his testing and assessment are pretty spot on...though the terms used and having my gut feeling said out loud and put on paper surprised me in the way it stung.
He is severely delayed in speech - as in he more than qualifies for services through the state program. After we begin there, Brent and I will more than likely explore private options too as the state program lacks in frequency in my opinion. I am hoping to be as lucky with our new therapist as we have been in the past with the in home care though and am anticipating a little more guidance in navigating private care for him.
The speech therapist and intake coordinator offered an autism screening for David. (and for Mary Louise but I declined for her. She scored extremely well - high average - for her age in all areas but expressive speech. There, she was low average - but still within what is considered a "normal" range. - she was at 87 and the lowest score in the "average" area is an 85 - in comparison, David was a full 2 below the mean - I can't remember the exact numeric value and am not up for doing the math right now- and only a 1.5 deviation below the mean is required for services. In short, he is severely delayed in the area of expressive speech.) 2 autism screenings were done. ****note: neither actually diagnose autism but only pin point "at risk" children between ages 2 and 3. Honestly, I don't completely understand the testing and need to see results such as these broken down on paper to properly process them. They will mail out the results to me and we will have another meeting to discuss them and set up therapy after it is all recorded in the Early Steps computer system. **
The bottom line of the results, however simply stated that David is "at risk" for autism on one test. The other test showed no at risk behaviors. It was explained to me that David (and Mary Louise to some extent) show very little independence. That coupled with David's lack of speech and the fact that he doesn't seem "very interested" in playing with other children (more on that in a moment) put his results in the "at risk" category. I'm not sure why I even opted to let them do the evaluation in the first place - I suppose it was because my only reason for not allowing it would be that I didn't feel like hearing what I already knew would be the outcome. In fact, I said, "I know he is at risk - gracious, we knew that as soon as they were born 16 weeks early!" and in my head, I added, "he's also "at risk" for allergies, heart disease, diabetes and skin issues by genetics alone - and hell he is "at risk" for falling every time he stands - WTF does at risk really do or mean?? nothing", I decided and allowed the test to go on...
How did I handle the results? I sat for a minute, then burst into totally involuntary tears that wouldn't stop. I should add that this week has been a little on the horrific side - complete with all 4 of us catching a Terrible (yes with a capital "T") cold virus which prevented any of us getting a full night of sleep courtesy of sweet sweet Mary Louise and her almighty snot bubbles - oh and her AWESOME hyper active reaction to the prescribed decongestant. (9pm one night: "yook Mama!" she said as she jumped up and down over and over. "OUT DIE! OUT DIE!" she began to yell pointing to the windows. She wanted to play outside. I wanted to go to bed...)
Back to the screening:
I blurted out that I felt Mary Louise and David's issues were soundly rooted in their immaturity and consequent but undeniable discrepancy between their emotional and chronological age. I stated that on paper they were almost 2 and a half, but my feelings about their behavior would dictate that they are AT LEAST 6 months behind that (Mary Louise) if not a bit more (David). I blubbered on that a system that couldn't mend to include a criteria for growth and maturation specific for micro preemies was simply too far behind our medical times to be considered anything but ridiculously invalid and that it was absolutely absurd to expect babies born at 24 weeks gestation to reach their full chronological and genetic potential by the age of 2- in BOTH growth and mentality. (phew!)
The therapist listened intently and nodded in agreement. The intake coordinator's opinion is truly of no consequence - and that's about as nicely as I can put that.
I asked what the therapists' feelings were on the results after playing with David for quite some time. She said she, "was not allowed to discuss that with me." I resisted the urge to fly off of the sofa and claw at them mercilessly and instead invited the intake coordinator to step out while I had a frank conversation with the therapist. Damnit - I have a professional sitting in front of me in my house no less but her hands are tied by some bull shit state regulation?? The coordinator looked down and the therapist bravely branched out and gave me some guidance saying that to provide continuity of care and essentially "the most bang for the buck" that this time and age are critical to language development; so, she, in short, would explore private care after first setting up in home care with the state system. She told me to be patient, and that it would take some time, but to follow my instincts and that her impression was that David was a capable and beautiful child. I don't have the words to tell this woman how much I appreciated her moment of candidness.
So that's the results.
David "failed" at the "playing with other children" portions of the testing for various reasons:
1. Mary Louise is, by far, the dominant child here and to be quite frank, can beat the crap out of David, takes anything and everything he has on a regular basis and vies for attention constantly- I wouldn't want to play with her either -though they have been known to be quite sweet together regularly. (please don't read into the above as anything more than a general description of frequent behavior - I do discipline but if toddlers- or any children for that matter- were that easy to work with 24 / 7, the world would be a bit boring eh? Anyhow, the above is not meant to have a tone of annoyance.)
2. David is almost painfully shy in new situations so he clings to me, but often, given time, does just fine
3. We have no other children for them to play with. We have been on a few play dates with a friend from church. She is a sweet baby girl about 4 months older than Mary Louise and David. She and Mary Louise get to playing together with dolls, etc. and David rides on whatever is available. He's not necessarily avoiding them - but isn't really "into" the girly girl activities. He does well with her when I bring him to church on his own though...We go to the park often, but I'm not kidding when I say every single kid that has walked up and tried to play with them gets yelled out by their parents to (and I quote directly on things we've heard), "get away from them babies!" or "don't hurt the babies" or "let the babies have that toy and you go play somewhere else". I have begged, within reason, for the parents to let their children interact with Mary Louise and David, but they smile and say their kid needs to learn to share anyhow and quickly divert them to other play equipment.
4. I stay home with them - there was an awful lot of discussion during the evaluation about their attachment to me(read as- them desperately searching for their perceived "normal" parenting measures by today's standards of mostly day care, extended family care and mother's day out kiddos and me desperately defending myself for keeping them home and healthy all of this time) For the record, I don't feel I have stunted their growth and maturation by staying home with them- or by keeping them home. Our primary concern over the past 2 years has been, quite literally, to keep them alive, well, and out of the hospital. period. I also feel that though they are quite attached to Brent and I, THEY ARE 2!!! Toddlers should be inherently attached to their parents for goodness sake. I believe their attachment - though exhausting at times - is very healthy. I love that they feel safe in their surroundings and know that they have loving arms to fall into every second of every day. I feel very very lucky to be able to stay home with them - and blessed to be able to fully enjoy and witness every whim and action. BUT, this has not by any means been easy and I resent the implication that I am somehow fulfilling an innate need of my own in staying with them; and also the implication that I have coddled them so much that I have encouraged some sort of delay.
Realizing of course that this may not have been the intention of our visitors -but one can only be asked the same question so many times before getting irritated: "Do you ever leave them alone?" "Do you take them to preschool or have you considered a Mothers' Day Out program?" "Don't they have cousins or any other children in the family to play with?" "Have you considered day care?" "I have noticed they are very attached to you. Do you feel this is "normal"?" "What are your future plans for their schooling?" "Did you know that locally, there are (xyz) groups at these locations?"
Having said that, we are able now, to explore the luxuries of outside classes and activities - so finding appropriate play groups, etc. is certainly on the "do now" agenda. I'm excited!
I will also admit that I was certainly harried from the week-o-fun we've had:
Mary Louise has in the past 10 days or so: combed her hair with toilet water, dumped half a pound of flour on the floor, "painted Chester, Lizzie (our dogs) and the cabinets with Nutella spread - thereby bringing the full picture of our crappy week to a literal fruition, fallen off of the back of the sofa - twice - in an attempt to "fly", stuffed AT LEAST a roll of toilet paper down the commode, attempted to stick a fork in an electrical socket (it was covered - they all are believe me) and begun to blame her poo diapers on the dog:
Mary Louise: (patting her bottom), "Momma, poo poo?"
Me: "Did you poo poo already or do you need to use your potty?" (I smell THE smell)
Mary Louise: "Po-yee."
Me: "I'm pretty sure you already pooped in your diaper so you can sit on the potty for a bit if you'd like, but if you already went, you might just be done, right?"
Mary Louise: "No no! Tes-tah poo poo." (again, patting her diaper)
Me: "Oh Chester pooped in your diaper? That's amazing Mary Louise!" (sarcasm does the Mommy good sometimes)
Mary Louise: "Okay. Po-yee Momma."
(she has also blamed the stench on her duff on Lizzie, David, "Dada" and finally "Momma" before conceding that she did, in fact, poo poo in her "dipah")
David has: run a water hose into the kitchen while I ran in to change the laundry over - at least the floor got a nice cleaning I suppose, increased his climbing efforts ten-fold: he no longer needs to pull out the drawers to use the little one inch gap provided by the child no, instead he just uses the drawer handles themselves to climb onto the counter. He has also climbed the built in shelves in the kitchen like a ladder and uses the pull out shelves in other cabinets to get on the counter in other areas. He climbs in the cabinet in the bathroom to get to the shelves where I (had been) keeping my vitamins - honestly, next time we're at the local Children's museum, we're spending some serious time at their rock wall - maybe he'll get it out of his system - Lord knows he can't really get any more agile with it all!
I have: left the sink water running in the kitchen, forgotten, and gave the babies a bath - upstairs - 2 hours later, we had a swimming pool where our stove and fridge reside (no permanent damage done),
had a full conversation with a cock roach (if you know me, you know I am absolutely terrified of roaches - dead or alive): 3am: roach peers at me over the sink when I go to use the bathroom: I see it, and sit anyway:
Me: (sigh) "I don't even have the energy to scream or wave frantically at you. Nor will I dance around like a total spastic freak at this hour. Please go away. I hate roaches and yet don't even have balls enough to squash them. Lucky you."
Roach slowly moseys away and disappears. I wish I was kidding. I'm not because I know I was up for another hour kicking myself for not waking Brent to "get the roach". Consequently, I'm STILL paranoid about going to that's been 4 days.
Brent has: really done nothing stupid or crazy. Poor guy has just been trying to work in between dealing with all of our hootin' and hollerin'.
*** and did I mention that skank nasty snottastic cold we've all had? The one that has, in the last hour alone, caused 2 different coughing fits between Mary Louise and David? ***
Yeah, it's been fun.
All that in addition to an unspeakable tragedy as we heard of a near drowning of a 2 year old boy here. He passed away a day later from complications. He was the son of one of our babies' NICU nurses and also a twin. My heart just breaks for the family. (prayers of peace if you feel so called please)
After all of that, I may have been a wee bit on the sensitive side for the meeting on Friday. Nonetheless, it's done and we're in...and getting David (and Mary Louise) the help he needs was and is my bottom line...
David was evaluated for 2 hours. He played well after warming up to the therapist and I'll start by saying that above all, I do feel the results of his testing and assessment are pretty spot on...though the terms used and having my gut feeling said out loud and put on paper surprised me in the way it stung.
He is severely delayed in speech - as in he more than qualifies for services through the state program. After we begin there, Brent and I will more than likely explore private options too as the state program lacks in frequency in my opinion. I am hoping to be as lucky with our new therapist as we have been in the past with the in home care though and am anticipating a little more guidance in navigating private care for him.
The speech therapist and intake coordinator offered an autism screening for David. (and for Mary Louise but I declined for her. She scored extremely well - high average - for her age in all areas but expressive speech. There, she was low average - but still within what is considered a "normal" range. - she was at 87 and the lowest score in the "average" area is an 85 - in comparison, David was a full 2 below the mean - I can't remember the exact numeric value and am not up for doing the math right now- and only a 1.5 deviation below the mean is required for services. In short, he is severely delayed in the area of expressive speech.) 2 autism screenings were done. ****note: neither actually diagnose autism but only pin point "at risk" children between ages 2 and 3. Honestly, I don't completely understand the testing and need to see results such as these broken down on paper to properly process them. They will mail out the results to me and we will have another meeting to discuss them and set up therapy after it is all recorded in the Early Steps computer system. **
The bottom line of the results, however simply stated that David is "at risk" for autism on one test. The other test showed no at risk behaviors. It was explained to me that David (and Mary Louise to some extent) show very little independence. That coupled with David's lack of speech and the fact that he doesn't seem "very interested" in playing with other children (more on that in a moment) put his results in the "at risk" category. I'm not sure why I even opted to let them do the evaluation in the first place - I suppose it was because my only reason for not allowing it would be that I didn't feel like hearing what I already knew would be the outcome. In fact, I said, "I know he is at risk - gracious, we knew that as soon as they were born 16 weeks early!" and in my head, I added, "he's also "at risk" for allergies, heart disease, diabetes and skin issues by genetics alone - and hell he is "at risk" for falling every time he stands - WTF does at risk really do or mean?? nothing", I decided and allowed the test to go on...
How did I handle the results? I sat for a minute, then burst into totally involuntary tears that wouldn't stop. I should add that this week has been a little on the horrific side - complete with all 4 of us catching a Terrible (yes with a capital "T") cold virus which prevented any of us getting a full night of sleep courtesy of sweet sweet Mary Louise and her almighty snot bubbles - oh and her AWESOME hyper active reaction to the prescribed decongestant. (9pm one night: "yook Mama!" she said as she jumped up and down over and over. "OUT DIE! OUT DIE!" she began to yell pointing to the windows. She wanted to play outside. I wanted to go to bed...)
Back to the screening:
I blurted out that I felt Mary Louise and David's issues were soundly rooted in their immaturity and consequent but undeniable discrepancy between their emotional and chronological age. I stated that on paper they were almost 2 and a half, but my feelings about their behavior would dictate that they are AT LEAST 6 months behind that (Mary Louise) if not a bit more (David). I blubbered on that a system that couldn't mend to include a criteria for growth and maturation specific for micro preemies was simply too far behind our medical times to be considered anything but ridiculously invalid and that it was absolutely absurd to expect babies born at 24 weeks gestation to reach their full chronological and genetic potential by the age of 2- in BOTH growth and mentality. (phew!)
The therapist listened intently and nodded in agreement. The intake coordinator's opinion is truly of no consequence - and that's about as nicely as I can put that.
I asked what the therapists' feelings were on the results after playing with David for quite some time. She said she, "was not allowed to discuss that with me." I resisted the urge to fly off of the sofa and claw at them mercilessly and instead invited the intake coordinator to step out while I had a frank conversation with the therapist. Damnit - I have a professional sitting in front of me in my house no less but her hands are tied by some bull shit state regulation?? The coordinator looked down and the therapist bravely branched out and gave me some guidance saying that to provide continuity of care and essentially "the most bang for the buck" that this time and age are critical to language development; so, she, in short, would explore private care after first setting up in home care with the state system. She told me to be patient, and that it would take some time, but to follow my instincts and that her impression was that David was a capable and beautiful child. I don't have the words to tell this woman how much I appreciated her moment of candidness.
So that's the results.
David "failed" at the "playing with other children" portions of the testing for various reasons:
1. Mary Louise is, by far, the dominant child here and to be quite frank, can beat the crap out of David, takes anything and everything he has on a regular basis and vies for attention constantly- I wouldn't want to play with her either -though they have been known to be quite sweet together regularly. (please don't read into the above as anything more than a general description of frequent behavior - I do discipline but if toddlers- or any children for that matter- were that easy to work with 24 / 7, the world would be a bit boring eh? Anyhow, the above is not meant to have a tone of annoyance.)
2. David is almost painfully shy in new situations so he clings to me, but often, given time, does just fine
3. We have no other children for them to play with. We have been on a few play dates with a friend from church. She is a sweet baby girl about 4 months older than Mary Louise and David. She and Mary Louise get to playing together with dolls, etc. and David rides on whatever is available. He's not necessarily avoiding them - but isn't really "into" the girly girl activities. He does well with her when I bring him to church on his own though...We go to the park often, but I'm not kidding when I say every single kid that has walked up and tried to play with them gets yelled out by their parents to (and I quote directly on things we've heard), "get away from them babies!" or "don't hurt the babies" or "let the babies have that toy and you go play somewhere else". I have begged, within reason, for the parents to let their children interact with Mary Louise and David, but they smile and say their kid needs to learn to share anyhow and quickly divert them to other play equipment.
4. I stay home with them - there was an awful lot of discussion during the evaluation about their attachment to me(read as- them desperately searching for their perceived "normal" parenting measures by today's standards of mostly day care, extended family care and mother's day out kiddos and me desperately defending myself for keeping them home and healthy all of this time) For the record, I don't feel I have stunted their growth and maturation by staying home with them- or by keeping them home. Our primary concern over the past 2 years has been, quite literally, to keep them alive, well, and out of the hospital. period. I also feel that though they are quite attached to Brent and I, THEY ARE 2!!! Toddlers should be inherently attached to their parents for goodness sake. I believe their attachment - though exhausting at times - is very healthy. I love that they feel safe in their surroundings and know that they have loving arms to fall into every second of every day. I feel very very lucky to be able to stay home with them - and blessed to be able to fully enjoy and witness every whim and action. BUT, this has not by any means been easy and I resent the implication that I am somehow fulfilling an innate need of my own in staying with them; and also the implication that I have coddled them so much that I have encouraged some sort of delay.
Realizing of course that this may not have been the intention of our visitors -but one can only be asked the same question so many times before getting irritated: "Do you ever leave them alone?" "Do you take them to preschool or have you considered a Mothers' Day Out program?" "Don't they have cousins or any other children in the family to play with?" "Have you considered day care?" "I have noticed they are very attached to you. Do you feel this is "normal"?" "What are your future plans for their schooling?" "Did you know that locally, there are (xyz) groups at these locations?"
Having said that, we are able now, to explore the luxuries of outside classes and activities - so finding appropriate play groups, etc. is certainly on the "do now" agenda. I'm excited!
I will also admit that I was certainly harried from the week-o-fun we've had:
Mary Louise has in the past 10 days or so: combed her hair with toilet water, dumped half a pound of flour on the floor, "painted Chester, Lizzie (our dogs) and the cabinets with Nutella spread - thereby bringing the full picture of our crappy week to a literal fruition, fallen off of the back of the sofa - twice - in an attempt to "fly", stuffed AT LEAST a roll of toilet paper down the commode, attempted to stick a fork in an electrical socket (it was covered - they all are believe me) and begun to blame her poo diapers on the dog:
Mary Louise: (patting her bottom), "Momma, poo poo?"
Me: "Did you poo poo already or do you need to use your potty?" (I smell THE smell)
Mary Louise: "Po-yee."
Me: "I'm pretty sure you already pooped in your diaper so you can sit on the potty for a bit if you'd like, but if you already went, you might just be done, right?"
Mary Louise: "No no! Tes-tah poo poo." (again, patting her diaper)
Me: "Oh Chester pooped in your diaper? That's amazing Mary Louise!" (sarcasm does the Mommy good sometimes)
Mary Louise: "Okay. Po-yee Momma."
(she has also blamed the stench on her duff on Lizzie, David, "Dada" and finally "Momma" before conceding that she did, in fact, poo poo in her "dipah")
David has: run a water hose into the kitchen while I ran in to change the laundry over - at least the floor got a nice cleaning I suppose, increased his climbing efforts ten-fold: he no longer needs to pull out the drawers to use the little one inch gap provided by the child no, instead he just uses the drawer handles themselves to climb onto the counter. He has also climbed the built in shelves in the kitchen like a ladder and uses the pull out shelves in other cabinets to get on the counter in other areas. He climbs in the cabinet in the bathroom to get to the shelves where I (had been) keeping my vitamins - honestly, next time we're at the local Children's museum, we're spending some serious time at their rock wall - maybe he'll get it out of his system - Lord knows he can't really get any more agile with it all!
I have: left the sink water running in the kitchen, forgotten, and gave the babies a bath - upstairs - 2 hours later, we had a swimming pool where our stove and fridge reside (no permanent damage done),
had a full conversation with a cock roach (if you know me, you know I am absolutely terrified of roaches - dead or alive): 3am: roach peers at me over the sink when I go to use the bathroom: I see it, and sit anyway:
Me: (sigh) "I don't even have the energy to scream or wave frantically at you. Nor will I dance around like a total spastic freak at this hour. Please go away. I hate roaches and yet don't even have balls enough to squash them. Lucky you."
Roach slowly moseys away and disappears. I wish I was kidding. I'm not because I know I was up for another hour kicking myself for not waking Brent to "get the roach". Consequently, I'm STILL paranoid about going to that's been 4 days.
Brent has: really done nothing stupid or crazy. Poor guy has just been trying to work in between dealing with all of our hootin' and hollerin'.
*** and did I mention that skank nasty snottastic cold we've all had? The one that has, in the last hour alone, caused 2 different coughing fits between Mary Louise and David? ***
Yeah, it's been fun.
All that in addition to an unspeakable tragedy as we heard of a near drowning of a 2 year old boy here. He passed away a day later from complications. He was the son of one of our babies' NICU nurses and also a twin. My heart just breaks for the family. (prayers of peace if you feel so called please)
After all of that, I may have been a wee bit on the sensitive side for the meeting on Friday. Nonetheless, it's done and we're in...and getting David (and Mary Louise) the help he needs was and is my bottom line...
Monday, August 22, 2011
Busy BUSY babies!!
Though we are still in the midst of evaluations, Mary Louise and David are still very hard at work learning new words and phrases almost daily...
They are also finding new and exciting things to do with their "old" using them for step stools in an effort to explore things like knife drawers, stoves, and whatever happens to be on the counter at the time...(and if you can't tell what happened here - Mary Louise decided to "assist" with the taping of this video)...
**Yes, we deal with quite a bit of good old sibling discord here lately - but honestly, it's not too bad - videos can be a little deceiving (I mean, sometimes, I do clothe the kids!)- after this one, they held hands with each other and me while we giggled over 3 rounds of Ring Around the Rosey. The "time out" usually works a bit better too - they still laugh over it, but it diverts their attention, gives them a breath and seems to clear the air so a new game can be made - and really, I like that they giggle - in my opinion, crying doesn't need to happen to get a point across!**
And now for the last quick video: if you see our sweet babies aimlessly wondering the streets, please don't think we are bad parents who regularly leave our children unattended. These kiddos can break free in about 2.5 seconds flat. They climb, they run, and now they unlock dead bolts...good thing they still can't get along long enough to be overly productive! If they could, and were left to their own devices, I'm pretty sure they could would be off and driving before Brent and I could even get our shoes on! (and that would be a jug of protein powder they dug out of the pantry that they decided would make a perfect step stool for this particular mission)
They are also finding new and exciting things to do with their "old" using them for step stools in an effort to explore things like knife drawers, stoves, and whatever happens to be on the counter at the time...(and if you can't tell what happened here - Mary Louise decided to "assist" with the taping of this video)...
**Yes, we deal with quite a bit of good old sibling discord here lately - but honestly, it's not too bad - videos can be a little deceiving (I mean, sometimes, I do clothe the kids!)- after this one, they held hands with each other and me while we giggled over 3 rounds of Ring Around the Rosey. The "time out" usually works a bit better too - they still laugh over it, but it diverts their attention, gives them a breath and seems to clear the air so a new game can be made - and really, I like that they giggle - in my opinion, crying doesn't need to happen to get a point across!**
And now for the last quick video: if you see our sweet babies aimlessly wondering the streets, please don't think we are bad parents who regularly leave our children unattended. These kiddos can break free in about 2.5 seconds flat. They climb, they run, and now they unlock dead bolts...good thing they still can't get along long enough to be overly productive! If they could, and were left to their own devices, I'm pretty sure they could would be off and driving before Brent and I could even get our shoes on! (and that would be a jug of protein powder they dug out of the pantry that they decided would make a perfect step stool for this particular mission)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
THE ride home...(Uncle Sean's graduation continued)
Yikes. Time is certainly fleeting. There are so very many daily moments that I would love to many things I want to hold onto. Instead, I find myself focusing on the moment, wrapping myself in it briefly, then letting it pass as moments do - holding that mental snap shot and tucking it safely into the folds of time...
David has begun to use the potty - don't get too excited - it's only on occasion - but it's a start...and his proud face? yeah - it's so worth the wait for him to ask for his "poy-yee" like a big boy. (umm and that would be a dishwasher in the back - because when David asks, David gets his "poy-yee" - seriously.)

(and by the way, there is a distinct possibility that the above picture will surface should a mouthy grump of a teen David rear his ugly head around here. That's right, I'm collecting ammo..."What's that teen David? Shut up you say? Everything is stupid (read as B.S.) you say? hmm - when's that slide show at school again? Yeah - I'll show you stupid."-sometimes even I am amazed at my level of maturity.)
About that maturity...
We left Baton Rouge around 2:30. As the babies had napped for about an hour in the car between graduation and the celebratory lunch, I wasn't very hopeful for a quiet ride home.
They didn't disappoint.
We were stuck for a little over an hour in traffic just before the Atchafalaya Basin bridge when I spoke with Brent. We agreed on an alternate route to start on the exit I was inching towards the next exit and Brent told me how "simple" it would be to just pop off of the interstate and use "the old roads" to get home. It would take about 45 minutes on top of my 2 plus hour ride I had left - BUT traffic was at a standstill and that "Road Work: next 18 miles" sign didn't look too promising so I took the plunge...
Enter Heather's AWESOME (read as totally shitty - really - there is no other way to describe my) sense of direction...
I should say now that "back woods" Louisiana is absolutely stunning. I mean story book fabulous. There are Acadian style homes nestled among Spanish moss filled trees. There are gorgeous sugar cane fields. The farm equipment rests majestically under 100 year live oaks. Cypress knees peak out of milk chocolate bayou banks. The bayous hold the secrets of years and years of Cajun tradition and folklore.
In short, I heart Louisiana and really believe that it should be on the world's list of must see and have to explore places. Seriously - don't knock it 'til you try it. It's all kinds of fantastic and you're selling yourself short if you don't spend some time here.
I (and certainly the babies) were ill-prepared for the scenic route on that particular day. Tantrums were a plenty. Kicking Momma's seat was the game of the day. I was actually sweating with stress as I drove E.M. (see the last blog entry about our sweet chariot) into crops and Cajun country fearing we might not find our way home.
30 minutes into unmarked road later, I phoned Brent...
Now would be the appropriate time to let you know that my total and utter lack of a sense of direction and the fact that I am void of any understanding of a map or verbal instruction having to do with travel is possibly one of our highest points of frustration. (I know, we're lucky like that. He's amazing.)
Me, "Brent, how long do I have to drive down this road before I get to (Hwy.) 190??"
Brent, "A while."
Me, "Great Brent. Great description. How long is awhile?? I've been driving for 20 minutes!!" (knowing I had been driving for 30 minutes but didn't want Brent to yell at me...)
Brent, "Sounds like you're ok. Keep going. It's a big road Heather. You can't miss it." (dun dun dunnnnn)
I missed it. In my defense though, 2 of the 4 lanes were dirt as they had been dug up to be worked on and ALL of the street signs were lying on the side of the road. Yep - awesome. It was unmarked due to construction.
I turned around eventually. 1 more hour down the tubes.
I passed over Morganza (see: the news lately). I saw the most amazing rest stop. Ever. I wish I'd stopped to take a photo but I was so irritated at the time that I couldn't imagine turning around and stopping - that would take more time!!! So, I'll paint you a picture with words...
Off to my right, the most beautiful bayou scene. Really - majestic oaks, trickling bayou, stunning scenery...tiny "state official blue" Rest Area sign...Along said bayou, there was (I kid you not) a Port-o-Potty (judging by the fungus growing down the door, and the faded blue color, I'd say it was about 10 years old - delish), and a rickety picnic table. Thanks for the welcome backwoods Louisiana.
I FINALLY made it to Oplelouses. Only an hour and a half to go!!!!
I miss the interstate turn (of course I do - see above for description of my sense of direction). Then I hear wind. I wish it was a baby toot - but alas, Mary Louise had OPENED THE BACK DOOR!!!!
I'm pretty sure I was the one that needed the diaper at that point.
Mary Louise had apparently squirmed out of her car seat harness and opened the car door. She shrank back into her seat and sat quietly as I stormed around, engaged the car child lock (A+ Mom right here! - oh and thankfully it was the door that DID open from the outside), and strapped her TIGHTLY into her seat.
She got out...twice more. I was at wits end. I called Brent (because misery loves company and I just HAD to tell him what his spawn had done!). I made a U-turn to get onto the proper interstate...I saw blue lights.
Enter state trooper.
I pulled over just before the on-ramp to my golden brick road home. The P.O. (because that's what we traffic felons call the po-po's - you know Police Officer is just too much to type sometimes), got on the bull-horn...
Again, I kid you not:
P.O., "Step out of the car and proceed to me with your hands visible."
Me - leaned out of a cracked car door and yelling frantically at the top of my lungs, "I have 2 babies!!! I'm not leaving my car!!!"
P.O., "What?"
Me, "I. have. 2. toddlers. in. my. back. seat. I am NOT leaving my car!!"
P.O., "Ok. Open your window and show your hands. I'll come to you."
(really dude. paranoid of the random traffic violating mom-much?)
I go through the routine...which is when I figured out I didn't have a current insurance card. I looked for our agent's phone number...couldn't find it. Mary Louise started crying. I swear, I had a panic attack.
I burst into absolute hysterics.
The state trooper gave me a ticket for an improper U-turn...and a warning for the insurance.
After a moment - or 5, I got back onto the road home in the right direction and found my way there after a total of 5 hours (the ride should have been 2).
That glittery u-turn ticket?? $177.50. That's one expensive U-turn.
P.S. little door-opening booger...

David has begun to use the potty - don't get too excited - it's only on occasion - but it's a start...and his proud face? yeah - it's so worth the wait for him to ask for his "poy-yee" like a big boy. (umm and that would be a dishwasher in the back - because when David asks, David gets his "poy-yee" - seriously.)
(and by the way, there is a distinct possibility that the above picture will surface should a mouthy grump of a teen David rear his ugly head around here. That's right, I'm collecting ammo..."What's that teen David? Shut up you say? Everything is stupid (read as B.S.) you say? hmm - when's that slide show at school again? Yeah - I'll show you stupid."-sometimes even I am amazed at my level of maturity.)
About that maturity...
We left Baton Rouge around 2:30. As the babies had napped for about an hour in the car between graduation and the celebratory lunch, I wasn't very hopeful for a quiet ride home.
They didn't disappoint.
We were stuck for a little over an hour in traffic just before the Atchafalaya Basin bridge when I spoke with Brent. We agreed on an alternate route to start on the exit I was inching towards the next exit and Brent told me how "simple" it would be to just pop off of the interstate and use "the old roads" to get home. It would take about 45 minutes on top of my 2 plus hour ride I had left - BUT traffic was at a standstill and that "Road Work: next 18 miles" sign didn't look too promising so I took the plunge...
Enter Heather's AWESOME (read as totally shitty - really - there is no other way to describe my) sense of direction...
I should say now that "back woods" Louisiana is absolutely stunning. I mean story book fabulous. There are Acadian style homes nestled among Spanish moss filled trees. There are gorgeous sugar cane fields. The farm equipment rests majestically under 100 year live oaks. Cypress knees peak out of milk chocolate bayou banks. The bayous hold the secrets of years and years of Cajun tradition and folklore.
In short, I heart Louisiana and really believe that it should be on the world's list of must see and have to explore places. Seriously - don't knock it 'til you try it. It's all kinds of fantastic and you're selling yourself short if you don't spend some time here.
I (and certainly the babies) were ill-prepared for the scenic route on that particular day. Tantrums were a plenty. Kicking Momma's seat was the game of the day. I was actually sweating with stress as I drove E.M. (see the last blog entry about our sweet chariot) into crops and Cajun country fearing we might not find our way home.
30 minutes into unmarked road later, I phoned Brent...
Now would be the appropriate time to let you know that my total and utter lack of a sense of direction and the fact that I am void of any understanding of a map or verbal instruction having to do with travel is possibly one of our highest points of frustration. (I know, we're lucky like that. He's amazing.)
Me, "Brent, how long do I have to drive down this road before I get to (Hwy.) 190??"
Brent, "A while."
Me, "Great Brent. Great description. How long is awhile?? I've been driving for 20 minutes!!" (knowing I had been driving for 30 minutes but didn't want Brent to yell at me...)
Brent, "Sounds like you're ok. Keep going. It's a big road Heather. You can't miss it." (dun dun dunnnnn)
I missed it. In my defense though, 2 of the 4 lanes were dirt as they had been dug up to be worked on and ALL of the street signs were lying on the side of the road. Yep - awesome. It was unmarked due to construction.
I turned around eventually. 1 more hour down the tubes.
I passed over Morganza (see: the news lately). I saw the most amazing rest stop. Ever. I wish I'd stopped to take a photo but I was so irritated at the time that I couldn't imagine turning around and stopping - that would take more time!!! So, I'll paint you a picture with words...
Off to my right, the most beautiful bayou scene. Really - majestic oaks, trickling bayou, stunning scenery...tiny "state official blue" Rest Area sign...Along said bayou, there was (I kid you not) a Port-o-Potty (judging by the fungus growing down the door, and the faded blue color, I'd say it was about 10 years old - delish), and a rickety picnic table. Thanks for the welcome backwoods Louisiana.
I FINALLY made it to Oplelouses. Only an hour and a half to go!!!!
I miss the interstate turn (of course I do - see above for description of my sense of direction). Then I hear wind. I wish it was a baby toot - but alas, Mary Louise had OPENED THE BACK DOOR!!!!
I'm pretty sure I was the one that needed the diaper at that point.
Mary Louise had apparently squirmed out of her car seat harness and opened the car door. She shrank back into her seat and sat quietly as I stormed around, engaged the car child lock (A+ Mom right here! - oh and thankfully it was the door that DID open from the outside), and strapped her TIGHTLY into her seat.
She got out...twice more. I was at wits end. I called Brent (because misery loves company and I just HAD to tell him what his spawn had done!). I made a U-turn to get onto the proper interstate...I saw blue lights.
Enter state trooper.
I pulled over just before the on-ramp to my golden brick road home. The P.O. (because that's what we traffic felons call the po-po's - you know Police Officer is just too much to type sometimes), got on the bull-horn...
Again, I kid you not:
P.O., "Step out of the car and proceed to me with your hands visible."
Me - leaned out of a cracked car door and yelling frantically at the top of my lungs, "I have 2 babies!!! I'm not leaving my car!!!"
P.O., "What?"
Me, "I. have. 2. toddlers. in. my. back. seat. I am NOT leaving my car!!"
P.O., "Ok. Open your window and show your hands. I'll come to you."
(really dude. paranoid of the random traffic violating mom-much?)
I go through the routine...which is when I figured out I didn't have a current insurance card. I looked for our agent's phone number...couldn't find it. Mary Louise started crying. I swear, I had a panic attack.
I burst into absolute hysterics.
The state trooper gave me a ticket for an improper U-turn...and a warning for the insurance.
After a moment - or 5, I got back onto the road home in the right direction and found my way there after a total of 5 hours (the ride should have been 2).
That glittery u-turn ticket?? $177.50. That's one expensive U-turn.
P.S. little door-opening booger...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Graduation (oy).
Right - so FIRST off, Sean (Uncle Bean) walked for his LSU undergrad graduation yesterday. 5 kids, all with a minimum of a bachelor's degree = fabulous job Mom and Dad, Granny and Papa and Mommon (yes, we have that many parents) + thank you thank you thank you. I really was so so excited for him!! He's worked very very hard, has been accepted and enrolled in law school at Loyola for the fall, and has met the goals he's had since, I don't know, the age of 10. (Yep - this kid is THAT amazing - seriously, I have no idea how #5 got to be so well rounded as a human being - I suppose the rest of us took up all of the extreme corners of the universe and we needed a middle man?)
Brent had a meeting in Houston, we didn't know / forgot totally about the graduation ceremony until approximately 7pm the night before. I decided the babies and I would go for it - Mommom and Kyle would be there to help.
5am. Man, I so wish we'd gotten a room and been in BR already. Pumped, dressed, babies woke, dressed, car packed and on the road at 6:30. 2 hour drive begun. I felt reasonably good for 4 hours of sleep (courtesy of late night partying with Mary Louise), no coffee, no breakfast...ok - I knew my name, had my glasses on, and counted...1, 2, TWO babies in the back. My world was good. Driving continued.
Have I mentioned that Brent's work truck still hasn't come? No? right - so long story short: we sold his old truck to Mom for Sean, Brent had a loaner truck from his work, loaner truck broke - like totally, no fixing this hot mess broke, Brent began to drive our Sequoia and I borrowed my dad's old car (yes, it's still going) to use in emergencies and my for wildly involved social life (read as: I use the thing to get to the grocery and back). It has over 200k miles on it, no radio, the back driver's side door only opens from the inside, and one of the tail lights floods the trunk when you pop it. So, basically, it has a little personality. I call her Elsie May (Em for short- ha)...or piece of crap depending on my mood. As I said, it gets me where I need to go, and it's temporary...and the A/C works really well = WINNER!!
Point of the above warm and fuzzy tale? That's what we were driving- a 1998 Honda Accord - bless her big metal heart...I can't tell you how many nursery rhyme songs I busted out with - and made up- yesterday to keep the babies entertained. Mary Louise now thinks some fat kid lives in a hubbard and old ladies beat kids in shoes (she was crying in my ear again - WHAT?! like you would have come up with something different right??) We also thanked the Lord a few times for making fish and butterflies...I had to balance things out somehow.
We made it IN TIME - and Uncle Kyle came out of the ceremony to meet us, because I have a wee bit less than stellar sense of direction (more on that to come).
Though I only got to actually see about 15 minutes of the graduation, it was the important 15 minutes...Sean walked, I yelled like a super tacky banshee in a relatively quiet stadium. Sean heard me. My work was done for the day. At least I didn't have an air horn or pull out the old Arseneo Hall whoop whoop. (Maybe next time Sean)
During the rest of the 3 hour ceremony, I chased David mostly - and Mary Louise a little - and both of them for awhile. Don't worry, I wasn't alone. I was in the make shift day care of babies, bottle feeders, breast feeders, frazzled grandparents, tired dad's, aunts, uncles, smokers, drinkers (not really - but man, I might have made friends with that person!) and habitual all important cell users in the outer realm of the P. Mac (name of the building - you don't have to google it). So, I got to do a little bit of what I do best: people watch.
I'm pretty sure that there is no place on earth that is a better people watching set up than a graduation. I'm also pretty sure that the previous sentence is horribly written - but I digress...people watching at graduations: families with the elders in tow - stressed and happy at the same time- proud of the next generation's productivity and desperately wanting the older generation to take part as best they can. New moms and veteran moms shoved together - the veterans offering all knowing sympathetic smiles to the new moms who are actually still worried about the entire family being color coordinated and whether or not baby has his/her specially monogrammed spit cloth draped just write for which to puke upon. (oh, and then there are the uber judgey moms - like the one who gave me the stink eye while talking on her wildly fancy bedazzled phone, clutching her $1500 Louis Vitton bag and said pointing her freshly manicured finger at my AWESOME brood," see, THAT's why we left our kids at HOME." Thanks lady, pull that crap again and I might just stuff your over perfumed duff in my leaky trunk. Sometimes I must remind myself: people before things Heather, people before things.) I love watching dolled up momma's in 5 inch heels waddle after fast and furious toddlers as they touch every stinkin' unprotected outlet in the place (oh wait, that was me.)
Then, we did what any good southern family does to celebrate a life milestone - or to celebrate anything at all really...we ate. YUMMMM. The babies handled the day as best they could - there were no head banging incidents, no all out melt downs. A good time for all - but when we left, it was certainly time to get home asap.
Then we hit traffic...and the most awful, horrible, terrible, vile, heart wrenchingly, frustratingly, bad drive home EVER ensued. We did eventually make it home (I know, way to ruin the ending right?)...but only after 5 hours (it was supposed to take 2) of pure unadulterated hell on back roads. This story is totally deserving of it's very own post...
And by the way, I will get a breastfeeding post done - but just need to word vomit this out there to get it out of the wee noggin can only handle so much these days...
Brent had a meeting in Houston, we didn't know / forgot totally about the graduation ceremony until approximately 7pm the night before. I decided the babies and I would go for it - Mommom and Kyle would be there to help.
5am. Man, I so wish we'd gotten a room and been in BR already. Pumped, dressed, babies woke, dressed, car packed and on the road at 6:30. 2 hour drive begun. I felt reasonably good for 4 hours of sleep (courtesy of late night partying with Mary Louise), no coffee, no breakfast...ok - I knew my name, had my glasses on, and counted...1, 2, TWO babies in the back. My world was good. Driving continued.
Have I mentioned that Brent's work truck still hasn't come? No? right - so long story short: we sold his old truck to Mom for Sean, Brent had a loaner truck from his work, loaner truck broke - like totally, no fixing this hot mess broke, Brent began to drive our Sequoia and I borrowed my dad's old car (yes, it's still going) to use in emergencies and my for wildly involved social life (read as: I use the thing to get to the grocery and back). It has over 200k miles on it, no radio, the back driver's side door only opens from the inside, and one of the tail lights floods the trunk when you pop it. So, basically, it has a little personality. I call her Elsie May (Em for short- ha)...or piece of crap depending on my mood. As I said, it gets me where I need to go, and it's temporary...and the A/C works really well = WINNER!!
Point of the above warm and fuzzy tale? That's what we were driving- a 1998 Honda Accord - bless her big metal heart...I can't tell you how many nursery rhyme songs I busted out with - and made up- yesterday to keep the babies entertained. Mary Louise now thinks some fat kid lives in a hubbard and old ladies beat kids in shoes (she was crying in my ear again - WHAT?! like you would have come up with something different right??) We also thanked the Lord a few times for making fish and butterflies...I had to balance things out somehow.
We made it IN TIME - and Uncle Kyle came out of the ceremony to meet us, because I have a wee bit less than stellar sense of direction (more on that to come).
Though I only got to actually see about 15 minutes of the graduation, it was the important 15 minutes...Sean walked, I yelled like a super tacky banshee in a relatively quiet stadium. Sean heard me. My work was done for the day. At least I didn't have an air horn or pull out the old Arseneo Hall whoop whoop. (Maybe next time Sean)
During the rest of the 3 hour ceremony, I chased David mostly - and Mary Louise a little - and both of them for awhile. Don't worry, I wasn't alone. I was in the make shift day care of babies, bottle feeders, breast feeders, frazzled grandparents, tired dad's, aunts, uncles, smokers, drinkers (not really - but man, I might have made friends with that person!) and habitual all important cell users in the outer realm of the P. Mac (name of the building - you don't have to google it). So, I got to do a little bit of what I do best: people watch.
I'm pretty sure that there is no place on earth that is a better people watching set up than a graduation. I'm also pretty sure that the previous sentence is horribly written - but I digress...people watching at graduations: families with the elders in tow - stressed and happy at the same time- proud of the next generation's productivity and desperately wanting the older generation to take part as best they can. New moms and veteran moms shoved together - the veterans offering all knowing sympathetic smiles to the new moms who are actually still worried about the entire family being color coordinated and whether or not baby has his/her specially monogrammed spit cloth draped just write for which to puke upon. (oh, and then there are the uber judgey moms - like the one who gave me the stink eye while talking on her wildly fancy bedazzled phone, clutching her $1500 Louis Vitton bag and said pointing her freshly manicured finger at my AWESOME brood," see, THAT's why we left our kids at HOME." Thanks lady, pull that crap again and I might just stuff your over perfumed duff in my leaky trunk. Sometimes I must remind myself: people before things Heather, people before things.) I love watching dolled up momma's in 5 inch heels waddle after fast and furious toddlers as they touch every stinkin' unprotected outlet in the place (oh wait, that was me.)
Then, we did what any good southern family does to celebrate a life milestone - or to celebrate anything at all really...we ate. YUMMMM. The babies handled the day as best they could - there were no head banging incidents, no all out melt downs. A good time for all - but when we left, it was certainly time to get home asap.
Then we hit traffic...and the most awful, horrible, terrible, vile, heart wrenchingly, frustratingly, bad drive home EVER ensued. We did eventually make it home (I know, way to ruin the ending right?)...but only after 5 hours (it was supposed to take 2) of pure unadulterated hell on back roads. This story is totally deserving of it's very own post...
And by the way, I will get a breastfeeding post done - but just need to word vomit this out there to get it out of the wee noggin can only handle so much these days...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Until I had triplets at 24 weeks and 5 days...until I had physical therapists abound...until I had charts, graphs and plots all thrust at me repeatedly and each and every move Mary Louise and David make analyzed by their "teams" of doctors, therapists, case workers, chart reviewers, insurance companies, and consequently, an UBER frazzled momma!...I had no clue - none whatsoever - what a big deal jumping is...and I can now proudly say, "we can cross that off your to do list sweet baby Mary Louise!!" David is patiently working on it - and I'm pretty sure he'll get it sometime soon...
We have an appointment with the Early Steps program here in a few days to re-admit Mary Louise and David and have them both "officially" evaluated for speech therapy. We'll start there, then explore additional private therapy options should it be necessary for either of them (I have my eye on sweet David - BUT Mary Louise has learned likely 20+ words just this week (mostly pointing when prompted - not actually speaking though she can parrot many of the sounds) and just today, David began to have periods of MUCH MUCH more verbal communication - though he continues his fits relatively regularly). I really feel that I need to exercise (a bit more) patience, and find what interests David in particular and what will hold his attention. Mary Louise LOVES LOVES LOVES books. David, not so much - but he loves his computer-ish toys. I've borrowed and bought a number of them and he'll sit there and play with the ABC and color keys for ages - if I try to sit and do the same thing with a book? I might get to letter B before he's off and running. Again, baby boy, please be patient with your old Momma. I'm doing my best...
Happy Wednesday!! It's World Breastfeeding week!! I'll be dusting off the old soap box for (probably) the next post. I try to avoid the defensive backlash by not discussing it too much - I swear - breastfeeding talk these days might as well be grouped in with religion and politics...BUT I'll offer up a few words in honor of the occasion.
There, I've given warning BEFORE I even start the post. So, ignore the upcoming if it's not your cup-o-tea.
We have an appointment with the Early Steps program here in a few days to re-admit Mary Louise and David and have them both "officially" evaluated for speech therapy. We'll start there, then explore additional private therapy options should it be necessary for either of them (I have my eye on sweet David - BUT Mary Louise has learned likely 20+ words just this week (mostly pointing when prompted - not actually speaking though she can parrot many of the sounds) and just today, David began to have periods of MUCH MUCH more verbal communication - though he continues his fits relatively regularly). I really feel that I need to exercise (a bit more) patience, and find what interests David in particular and what will hold his attention. Mary Louise LOVES LOVES LOVES books. David, not so much - but he loves his computer-ish toys. I've borrowed and bought a number of them and he'll sit there and play with the ABC and color keys for ages - if I try to sit and do the same thing with a book? I might get to letter B before he's off and running. Again, baby boy, please be patient with your old Momma. I'm doing my best...
Happy Wednesday!! It's World Breastfeeding week!! I'll be dusting off the old soap box for (probably) the next post. I try to avoid the defensive backlash by not discussing it too much - I swear - breastfeeding talk these days might as well be grouped in with religion and politics...BUT I'll offer up a few words in honor of the occasion.
There, I've given warning BEFORE I even start the post. So, ignore the upcoming if it's not your cup-o-tea.
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