Monday, March 30, 2009

Permission granted...

So the staff here officially thinks I'm funny - I asked the nurse this morning if she knew if I had permission to stay pregnant for another week. I caught her off guard. I asked if she could discuss my labs with me as it was 10:30, I hadn't slept very well and was nervous when the doctor didn't show up this morning as promised to discuss them. She agreed to review them with me and patiently went over my newest numbers. The protein level that sort of got me admitted in the first place was up a little but not to the extent that it was on admit. My liver function and platelets are within normal limits. Apparently my uric acid level was a bit high? - Hadn't heard that they were watching that one but I suppose it makes sense with my questionable kidney function. So, final verdict: I am allowed one more week of pregnancy!!! Until next Sunday...

The doctor stopped only for a minute to tell me that my labs were stable, then rushed off - he had just come from surgery and said he'd be back this evening. So, I may have more information then. Will of course keep everyone posted. Love to all...hugs, kisses and kicks from the babies!!

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